About Sue
My name is Sue Johnson-Hewitt.
I am married and have two grown up sons. I have lived happily in Bournemouth for 29 years. It was the best move I have ever done in my life. My life opened up so much more once I had moved here.
I first had a short reading 34 years ago in Middlesex when my eldest son was 6 months. The reading was so accurate and I wanted to find out more.
So from that point I attended a spiritualist church. I went for 6 weeks without receiving a message but what I did find that the philosophy was making sense to me.
I like the fact you could take on board what you wanted but reject what doesn't sit right for you.

I was the youngest there at 23 and many of the older people at the church lent me many books. Old style books about spiritualism. I couldn’t get enough of these books. It was like unlocking a key within. I knew and understood what these books were saying. Guides that had channelled information for us, my favourite has always been a guide called White Eagle. His books helped me so much in the beginning of me learning and understanding what life is about.
From that time I have not looked back.
I can honestly say I have tried to draw from the spiritual knowledge to help me on my soul's journey. Mediumship is excellent in proving life after death but that is what the aim is. Proof. Once you have received this it is up to you to search for answers.
Guides, Angels, Spirit and loved ones are not there to tell you what to do. They are there to guide you, give you strength and upliftment when needed. Put signposts in front of you to help guide you in the right direction. Whether you choose to see these signs are up to you. They are not there to live your life for you.
This is where spiritual philosophy comes in. This is when you can draw from this knowledge to help you, especially in troubled times. This knowledge has helped me so much through some very difficult times in my life. Spiritual philosophy is my passion, to be able to pass this knowledge to others so it can help you through your soul’s journey.
I am still currently attending two circles to continue the development of my Psychic skills.
I have completed a teacher’s certificate in spiritual philosophy. F.A.E.T.C. I have run and currently running courses on this subject. I have run many meditation groups. I have now compiled meditation CD-s. I also run one day workshops with a lady called Donna Maxine and we are also running a 12 week course on development of psychic and spiritual awareness.
I am doing question and answer philosophy nights. Please see page for current events.
I have compiled an e-book with questions that many of us ask. I have answered these to the best of my knowledge. I hope this e-book helps you to understand your life and the choices you have made. To give you insight, strength and upliftment to carry you through your souls pathway.
If you would like to know more or to ask any questions please contact me on 01202 421 100 or email suejhewitt@gmail.com